
Please note that the information contained within all Moira Geary Ltd courses, social media channels and sites, including but not limited to; learn.moirageary.com, www.moirageary.com, www.simplydaretoshine.com, and www.wakeupandchangeyourlife.com, is general information only and not intended to constitute medical or mental health treatment or advice.

The content, information, techniques and resources made available herein are intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subject matters addressed.

The content provided by Moira Geary Ltd and its representatives is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you need therapy, professional consultation, or psychiatric consultation, we recommend you consult with a licensed mental health professional in your area.

The exercises, information, and journalistic content featured across the aforementioned sites is for informational purposes only, and is in the nature of self-help rather than a treatment service. Reliance on any information or guidance provided in or by way of the content is solely at your own risk. In the event of you experiencing a personal crises, please seek professional services and in particular it is advisable to attend or contact your local GP.

Regardless of whether you knowingly or unknowingly have a medical condition, you use all Moira Geary Ltd content at your own risk and we will not be held liable in any way for your actions or for any effects which result from use of the content. Self-help information is useful, but it is not a substitute for professional advice.