About Me


Hi, I’m Moira, and I am constantly referred to as a leading light for a new wave of Freedom Seekers and here’s why.

Over the past 20 years my work has supported me and over 20 thousand people to find freedom from stress, fear, worry, procrastination, self sabotage and overwhelm. I have done this through the development of unique techniques and a practical approach as well as creating certified training programmes.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I don’t do fluff, I’m a lover of practicality! I like to work smart and make this 'lasting change work’ doable for my for my community.

Both my free and ‘paid for’ training programmes offer unique, gentle and profoundly positive roadmaps to take you to freedom. I’m proud to say that the numbers of people in my community are steadily rising and it makes me so happy to see people blossom as they discover ways to change. Because it’s important for me to be a powerful voice for good, my work is serious, requiring steadfast trust and loyalty to my community. I have seen people get rid of baggage that has been holding them back for their entire lifetimes through this work. But it’s not all heavy! I love a bit of craic and our community has loads of fun. I believe that it is my life’s work to help as many people as possible come to the realisation that life just doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it. There is always hope and always another way, we just have to be open to seeing it. It is this belief that has guided me in the creation of all my programmes. My hope and intention is that, no matter where you are on your journey you find something for you in one of my offerings.

Need a little help?

Choose from the free and paid-for options below.

The Positivity Project

Free 7 day video training to uncover your path to a more positive life.


The Positive Pulse Collective

[PPC] Online coaching membership collective with Moira. Learning and implementing tools techniques and coaching strategies to live a more fulfilled life. PPC is a lifestyle not a course.


Wealthy Minds

A step by step programme teaching you how to Manifest a life you love.


Quantum Thinking Transformation®

Certification training teaching you how to help others while taking you to your next level. 


Start your journey here.

Free 7 day Positivity Project

Don't forget to connect on social media.

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