Quantum Thinking TransformationÂŽ Coaching Practitioner Course


I am delighted that you are interested in the Quantum Thinking Transformation®️ [QTT] Coaching Practitioner Certification programme which supports people to overcome Fear, eliminate Stress, step into your Confidence, and take charge of your life.

What is QTT?

QTT is a unique accredited personal development ‘talking’ method that guides clients to access profound and lasting behavioural change so that they can achieve their desired outcomes in life. QTT incorporates fundamentals of Positive Psychology, Neuroscience and Neuro Linguistics. This distinctive approach empowers and supplies clients with a toolkit of techniques, methods and processes for dealing with life’s challenges as well as optimising life’s opportunities. It is very practical and gentle in nature and can be used by anyone seeking change.


What is QTT Used For?

QTT can be used in any area of life including:

  • Personal change

  • Career

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Communication

  • Finances

  • General wellbeing

  • Spirituality

  • Business

It can also be used for behavioural issues and help with:

  • Stress management
  • Procrastination
  • Overwhelm
  • Self-sabotage
  • Worry
  • Building confidence
  • Accessing powerful internal resources
  • Managing difficult relationships
  • Goal achievement
  • Achieving potential
  • Enhancing quality of life
  • Finding a sense of direction
  • Enhanced focus and effectiveness
  • Increasing motivation
  • Increasing resilience
  • Changing limiting beliefs
  • Improving quality of life
  • Alignment for fulfilling relationships
  • Obtaining happiness
  • Achieving a richer more meaningful life


On completion of the course you gain your certification to support others create lasting change. The Quantum Thinking Transformation®️ formula achieves this through its five fundamental pillars

  1. Comprehend and practice theory for change to a deep level
  2. Identify behavioural patterns
  3. Unlock behavioural codes and activate positive change
  4. Instigate releasing, alignment and containment of new behaviour
  5. Drill positive results to promote lasting change

This program is for people who want to progress on their personal development path and who would like to support others to do the same. You can add QTT®️ to your existing modalities or start your own personal development practice on completion of the course.

QTT®️ has been utilised to support people in their Health, Fitness, Relationships, Career, Business, Spiritually and Finances. The techniques taught have the ability to create exponential positive change. The learnings are also profound in helping you with your parenting skills and supporting your children positively and easily.

Whether you are looking to start a new career or support the one you are in we’re here to help turn your big dreams into a positive reality.

After successfully supporting and empowering thousands of people in their personal and business development journey and watching them now shining my hope is that I will be able to help you do the same.

So What Is Quantum Thinking Transformation™ Certification?

It is a 7 month live-based training with some online components that teaches you the step-by-step of:

  • Rapport: Learn how to easily create a positive connection with others and improve relationships

  • Anchors: Learn how to lock in good feelings so you can reignite them when the need arises

  • Belief Changing: Learn how to re-programme yourself and others with new beliefs and behaviours, which supports you in overcoming any limitations in all areas of life

  • Submodalities: Learn how to change the way you think and feel about things by changing specific qualities in your thoughts

  • Representational Systems: Discover how people express their internal experiences in their use of language and in the behaviour they display

  • Modelling: Understand the structure of how the best people in a particular area do what they do and model their success

  • Reframing: teaches you how to feel different about any event in your past, present or future from a different perspective.

  • Timelines: Experience and learn how you can deal with your past and future by understanding how you have coded time in your brain

  • State Control: Experience how you can be in control of your emotional state easily and quickly

  • Use of language of specificity: Experience the gift of asking questions that specify and clarify meaning, this has the power to change beliefs and attitudes

  • Meta Programmes: Uncover the conditioned habitual ways of thinking we individually have in relation to our world and the behavioural patterns that ensue because of them

  • Resistance: Learn how to handle a client’s resistance to change

      While studying Quantum Thinking Transformation®️ you will also learn:

  • Skills that were modelled from masters of human transformation

  • Skills to eliminate self doubt

  • Techniques that break down barriers to success

  • How to lead others to produce exceptional positive results quickly

  • How to harness the power of your subconscious mind

  • The ability to create rapport with anyone instantly

  • Interventions and processes to neutralise limiting beliefs, emotions, fears and changing unwanted behaviours into effective new habits

  • And you will be able to use all these techniques for the rest of your life on yourself and others!


What will my qualification be?

On satisfactory completion of the course you will receive your Quantum Thinking Transformation®️ certification. This certification includes certifying you in:

1. Quantum Release™

2. Quantum Alignment™

3. The 7 Behavioural Codes™

4. Quantum Thinking Transformation Coaching

You will be assessed on both open book exercises, case studies and practical skills before being certified

On completion of the course you will be in a position to start your own personal development practice and start seeing clients on receipt of your insurance.



Learning Pillars

There are four core-learning pillars.


Pillar 1

The Catalyst

Getting Started

  • How to understand the structure of behaviour so you can instigate positive change

  • Learn a crystal clear strategy to promote desired results for yourself and your clients

  • Uncover our four steps your clients will need to instigate lasting change and the correct order to promote lasting change

    Switch On Change

  •  How to help you or your client to know the best possible direction to take to support results

  •  We go deep in understanding how you can guide (yourself and) clients to live in the chaos and not be affected by it

  •  Why understanding the reasons for your clients fears and greatest needs is imperative before change begins.

  • How to identify the reason your clients are not able to progress by using our 4-part methodology



Pillar 2

The How To

  • Clear guidance on how ‘you’ need to be physically and emotionally to dissolve resistance in any client

  • The process of moving people from a disempowered state to a positive state so they can move into their future in a powerful and positive way

  • The four distinctions you need to make and understand to ensure effective communication

  • What you most likely haven’t seen in people’s eyes that can reveal their thought process

  • A questions process that will help you get you to the core of any issue.

  • Uncover the two secrets to guiding people to setting and achieving a really congruent plan

  • A method to support the question of the desired result being right for the client

  •  I will give you clarity on a ‘9 step path’ to guide your client to uncovering their best outcome even if they are confused or overwhelmed.


Pillar 3

Lining up

  • A practice to instigates instant movement in your clients thinking from overwhelm and hopeless to organised and problem resolution

  • How intonation can change the meaning which can affect the result

  • Putting it all together

    Accelerating Change

  • How to avoid the biggest mistake people make when attempting to promote change

  • Learn the simple ingredient that has the power to change disempowering beliefs

  • Why ‘pictures’ can keep someone stuck in a bad or unhealthy habit and how to change that



Pillar 4

Changing the Past and The Future

  • Why understanding the effect of positive feelings is so important and the nine steps to designing them

  • The twelve steps to disempowering a negative feeling

  • Why the ‘meaning’ we put on something designs the result and how to use a two-step process to change this when appropriate

  • Understand the physiology of emotion and how to release when appropriate

  • The many misalignments that occur in the subconscious that block clients. How to recognise and align them

     Creating a Compelling Future

  • How to teach clients the ‘chime’ technique to lock in a new positive habit

  • The two-step process to ensure regular and consistent commitment to a positive goal

  • Learn the fun ‘Roll the Movie Forward’ process to promote good decision making that maintains positive results

  • Why you need to understand the difference in two small words that will support you and your clients to always stay in an empowered state even in conflict or negotiation

  • Why it is so important to understand ‘containment’ and the positive effect it has on maintaining a positive compelling future

How Am I Going to Learn?

The Quantum Thinking Transformation™ certification runs in line with the academic year ie October to April/May where you will be availing of ongoing help and support in training you to the highest standard in Quantum Thinking Transformation™. The training has traditionally been in person in Limerick and supplemented with online support which we outline in more detail on the introductory Zoom Live Q&A before each intake. If you are interested in this next intake and wish to attend the Zoom call please email [email protected] to request the link to join.

What Is Included in Your Investment?

  • 12 full in person contact days held over 6 weekends 

  • Course Manual.

  • Membership site with all recorded materials.

  • Your QTT certification.

7 Extra Free Bonuses:

However, Moira also offers 7 very generous FREE Bonuses to support you and they include:

1. Free lifetime access to Moira’s Dare to Shine marketing online program which has been added to the membership area.. This material contains the methods and processes Moira has used to grow her own business

Valued at €1,000

2. The opportunity to repeat the course as often as you wish without tuition cost as long as she is teaching it. (Please note that there is a nominal fee of €50 a weekend for students that want to repeat as an energy exchange for room hire and refreshments etc)

Valued at €4,997 a pop

3. Practice sessions organised by students usually 3 a year

Valued at €400

4. Lifetime Support for as long as Moira is working

Value Priceless

5. Opportunities to learn more while supporting Moira for live events (conditions apply)

Valued Priceless

6. Closed Facebook group for ongoing advice, questions and answers on where you are at, marketing, supporting clients, what’s working and what’s not

Value Priceless

7. Opportunities for promotion of you and your QTT practice (conditions apply) 

Valued at €thousands 

The investment comes to €4,997 and a very generous payment plan over 12 months with a minimal fee can be arranged to spread payments for your convenience just contact us at [email protected]

Dates for Next ntake TBC 

Please note: Before you check the dates for the next intake and if you know now is your time, if there was any weekend that you can’t attend, you can do that weekend on the next intake or potentially we may be able make alternative arrangements to keep you up to speed which can be discussed.

Weekend 1 TBC

Weekend 2 TBC

Weekend 3 TBC

Weekend 4 TBC

Weekend 5 TBC


Email [email protected] if you think you would like to join the next intake and would like to be included in a group Zoom call to overview the course and get your questions answered. 

Important words from a few QTT Practitioners

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