Wealthy Minds
Create a Life You Love
Welcome to this Wealthy Minds page and I am delighted that you are interested in this fast growing community of positive like-minded Freedom Seekers.
Here I am going to really quickly give you an overview of the program so that you can create the good life you deserve and I know I might have way too many testimonials on the page BUT I feel it is more important that you hear from people that got the results than from me.
I created this online Flagship program for people who want to be coached by me so that they can create massive positive change in their lives easily and without having to invest outrageously large sums of money.
To get clear on whether this is for you or not just ask yourself these few questions:
- Are you happy with the way you feel every day?
- Are you happy with all your relationships?
- Are you happy with your career/business or the amount of money you have?
If you said no or felt unsure with your answers then please keep reading
Wealthy Minds is not a fluffy collection of content
It is a strategic system where you will learn 5 key things:
- How to stop fear, overwhelm, procrastination and self-sabotage so that you can build more confidence and pursue your goals and dreams in a more proactive way.
- How to uncover why you may be sabotaging yourself in matters related to health, money, relationships, business/career and overall happiness.
- How to reduce fears around moving forward in career, relationships, money or health matters so that you can get more enjoyment out of life.
- How to delve deep into money matters and uncover why you may not have as much money as you would like in your life or why money may be leaving you as soon as it appears.
- How to develop a mindset that will support you better in any difficult relationships you may have.
This is a programme of transformation that truly works and I will be with you every step of the way!!!
'I Went From Life Being a Mess to Literally Living my Dream Life!' Meet Deborah
'My life was a mess. I had high anxiety and felt depressed. Nothing was working out for me, finances, relationships, career nothing! I thought I was bonkers. Everything has now changed. My relationship with money has even changed. Rather than living with a mindset of lack and fear I manifested a really sizeable lump sum which has allowed me to create my dream life in Spain and it is all down to what I learned in Wealthy Minds.' Deborah
If you are stuck and don’t know how to:
- Overcome procrastination
- Manage self-sabotage on things you really want in life
- Remove feelings of fear and overwhelm
- Stop worrying about not having enough money, clients, peace
- OR you are not even sure what you want, but you know there must be more to life
then Wealthy Minds is for you.
So what exactly is Wealthy Minds?
I created Wealthy Minds in 2001 and it is an online programme with Live components that has been responsible for promoting positive change for hundreds and hundreds of my clients and students since then. To date over 1,000 people have taken the course and more join every year.
It is a SELF CARE program where I teach you how to use techniques and tools on yourself so that YOU can manage YOU and your life, in both a peaceful and practical way.
Here's how it works:
Once you join Wealthy Minds, you instantly get lifetime access to the programs library of teaching videos housed in our dedicated Membership site.
This is a massive body of work that I have created and compiled in order to teach you, step by step, every technique you will need to create the good life you deserve.
You have 24/7 access to a private Facebook community where both I and our vibrant members will support you. This is the place where you will have your questions answered, share resources, content and experiences as well as support and encourage each other.
In that Membership site you will receive:
- 46 videos of me training you on each step of the manifestation process and how to layer them in one by one. You will get instant access now once you register.
- As well as that you also get access to Mp3 recordings of each video so that you can download them to your phone and listen on the go.
- You also get PDFs of each lesson so that you can download them and have them to refer to for your exercises and to create your own comprehensive, personalised library.
You will have access to all of these videos, recordings and Pdfs in the membership site for life so that you can review them again and again.
'It was The Best Investment and Here's Why' Meet Ailish
'Life externally was good but I had issues around self confidence, worry, self belief, fear and self sabotage but I wanted things to change. and now everything changed. Little be little the weight lifted off my shoulders. Everything became easier clearer and more exciting. If you are wondering if you will join, I would say ‘Yes’ it was The Best Investment I made' Ailish
So what is the cost?
We offer a Payment Plan option if people need it and the Full price of the Wealthy Minds program is €1,476 (incl. VAT)
That means that for the price of a cup of coffee a day for a year you have Lifetime access to information, tools and techniques that have the power to completely change your life.
I have also added two very valuable FREE Bonuses:
- Access to a FREE Facebook Group so that you can ask questions and get the benefit of a beautiful like minded community Value = Priceless
- Access to 6 Facebook Live training sessions with me which will also be available in the membership site. These trainings will be available to you for FREE to support your success when you join the program Value = €1,200
And you will have immediate access to all of this when you decide to join Wealthy Minds today.
'From being Stuck, Feeling Grief, Fear and Anxious to Confidence, Perfect Job, Lump Sums and More' Listen to Margaret's Story
'I was stuck having just lost my mum suddenly and being a new mum myself, I was feeling grief, fear and anxious. I had lost my flow and confidence. Now I have created the life I love. I manifested the perfect job, lump sums, cars, trips abroad. Having techniques to process and let go of fear and worry as well as being able to manifested my best friend through Wealthy Minds makes this Life Changing for me and even my husband says his life is a lot better ' Margaret :)
We have had hundreds of successful students on the program who have achieved incredible positive changes like:
- Learning how to manifest sums of money easily. Some students manifested as much as €250,000 in lump sums, as I have too personally and we did it EASILY. Others manifested the means to create ongoing income streams easily.
- Other students manifested health by instantly giving up smoking due to learning the 7 Behavioural Codes that I teach and some have also completely changed their eating habits, increasing health and losing weight just by understanding these codes.
- We have had some amazing relationship changes (for the better) in the group and students being able to attract healthy relationships with intimate partners.
- Another one that really surprises students is that they can attract the clients THAT THEY WANT to work with rather than accepting any client that comes their way.
- We have also had many students grow their business easily and remove their fears around lack.
Don’t just take it from me. There are several video and written testimonials from clients below on this page. I would advise you to take a few minutes to listen to honest and real life accounts of the impact of this program.
More results from clients in the last few months alone
- The manifestation of a car. I mean given to a member not bought.
- The Manifestation of a €25,000 contract that was not just any contract but the exact contract my client intended including industry, employer, hours and days of work, working condition and review policy.
- Flight upgrade and €2,000 compensation for inconvenience even though there wasn’t any.
- Manifestation of a tax return three times the expected amount bringing it to €9,000.
- By just using one technique a member filled a workshop in days that she had been struggling to fill.
Is this for me?
Will working online rather than in person be as effective?
If I am not good online will I find it difficult?
How long does the programme last for?
What is the investment?
How do you get started?
Refund Policy
Here Come All the Testimonials
'I am Now Living in My Dream Home and well off the Hamster Wheel' Meet Michelle
'I was procrastinating, self-sabotaging, I was on the hamster wheel and I didn’t have the tools techniques to stop that. I didn’t believe I could I didn’t know how to raise my Abundance Ceiling. I am not living in my dream home after manifesting it and it is all down to Wealthy Minds.' Michelle.

Living Free from Crippling Anxiety!
'I had been in a depression and anxious state for 20 years and had the symptoms day in day out. Life seemed pretty bland, I lived under a grey cloud of self-pity with a very negative mindset. Although I was happy in many areas of life I was lonely, isolated and bored and I didn’t like been in big or even small groups yet I didn’t want to be alone. I was always paranoid about speaking my mind, been myself and afraid I’d offend someone while in conversation. I found wealthy Minds and what took place over the next few weeks was absolutely life changing. Moira used the release technique on me and freed me from my anxious and depressed feelings which have never come back and working with my GP I have come off my medication. I can’t put into words how amazing it has been these past few months living free of crippling anxiety.' Susan Corrigan.

Fear Was My Constant Companion
'When I joined Wealthy Minds, I was separated rearing my daughter alone. Fear was my constant companion particularly in terms of losing my home as I didn’t have a permanent pensionable job. Learning to let go of the fear feelings of lack, being undeserving and unworthy was life changing. My life has changed immeasurably. I changed career; I have travelled widely, I met another long-term partner, I even got a new job during Covid and I have no doubt that using the tools in Wealthy Minds was the reason I was successful. This is powerful stuff and being part of the huge energetic circle of Wealthy Minders who support and cheer you on is wonderful.' Paula Mc Gann.
'I Needed to Improve My Self Confidence, I now Know I can Achieve Anything' Meet Linda
'When I wanted to step out I would get anxiety in my tummy that was stopping me and I had a lot of internal chatter holding me back. The journey has been empowering and I learned loads to help me increase my confidence. I now believe I can achieve anything I want in my life and that I deserve it.' Linda
From Lottery Wins, Memoirs Written, Manifesting Cars, Attracting Beautiful People Into Life and New Career Manifested
Take your time and listen to these beauties below and hear their experiences of Wealthy Minds. Listening to them will help you make your decision to join and there are even more below these four so keep scrolling when you have watched these.

Moving Forward with Confidence
Before Wealthy Minds I was very much “living in my head”, always feeling under pressure. Wealthy Minds allowed me to move away from the fear and procrastination, the feeling of being stuck. Belief Change and the Release were the techniques which played a big part in me changing my mindset and moving forward with confidence to take on new challenges with excitement. I would highly recommend the Wealthy Minds programme for anybody who may be overwhelmed, stressed and anxious, looking for a greater sense of peace of mind, it has helped me achieve all of this and so much more… Áine Lacy O'Meara.

Life was a Mess!
'Life was a mess in all aspects. I was heartbroken, full of fear, anxiety, overwhelm, lacking confidence and self-belief, anger, frustration, guilt, shame, and grief. I was completely lost. From doing Wealthy Minds there have been so many 'aha' moments. It is my 'go to' before making any life or business decisions. I now feel full aligned and then magic happens. I am delighted to have the tools and support Wealthy Minds has to offer to sort myself out. I feel empowered and excited for the path ahead' Niamh Roche.
From Creating Successful Businesses, Family Lives Enhanced, a Recovered Fixer and a 'New Relationship with Myself'
You will love listening to these four beautiful Wealthy Minders and hearing about their experiences through the program.

I Felt Lost, No Focus, No Purpose!
'I felt lost, no focus, no purpose like a Hamster on a Wheel, getting the same results and not happy with them. Immediately after joining the lessons and the learnings were so engaging & easy to follow. The supportive group is so helpful and I constantly refer to the lessons for direction and guidance. I am now in control of my life and am a confident and independent and looking forward to my exciting days of evolving and living my dreams.' Carmel O'Connor.

I Manifested a Car and Holidays
'Before Wealthy Minds I found I got triggered by everything and I worried about my health. From it I learned how to work out my problems and that not everything I was believing was true as well as being able to release what was blocking me with my beliefs. Another bonus is that I manifest a car and holidays and I don’t get triggered and stressed as much and I appreciate the little things and make the most of what I have.' Grainne Walsh.

I Moved Out of My Comfort Zone
'I constantly belied that other people had more confidence than me. I admired their self-esteem. I had completed lots of courses in my life but never seemed to move on. On Wealthy Minds I got my ‘aha’ which was, I was so frightened to move out of my comfort zone and the information on how to move out of it. From that day every opportunity I get to step out I take it. I return to the videos on how to do a belief change, facing my fears, and banish that voice in my head if it appears. Having the freedom to come and go and lifelong access to the programme means I have always a library of information to turn to if I need some extra support. I have since started a business and today I choose courage over comfort, not from a frightened place but from an empowered one'. Nicola Scully.

Intimidated By Bullies
'The Wealthy Minds techniques got to the core of the many challenges and gave me the tools to overcome them. I believed that I wasn’t good enough, I was a people pleaser, I allowed myself to be intimidated by bullies. I did not feel confident or capable despite the fact that I have a very good job where I help others all of the time. Now I do my job with confidence and a very empowering belief in myself. I am a totally different person; I actually have a good relationship with the bully meaning that I can work with her while holding my power. My life has totally changed for the better. Flipping disempowering beliefs, being able to spot triggers in all areas of my life and being able to deal with them in a very positive way is wonderful. Patricia O'Flaherty.

If You Need a Safe Community
'I joined Wealthy Minds at a very challenging time in my life, after 22 years overseas I was moving home to Ireland with my 5 year old son as a single parent. What I realised very quickly was the simple techniques of Wealthy Minds and Moira's simple way of presenting made perfect sense every time. I have worked through so many issues & I am so glad to say I am a completely different, happier, calmer & more mindful person today. If you are someone who needs a safe community, support & guidance to help you find your way and plenty of laughs to cheer you up, Wealthy Minds and Moira will be there for you. I couldn't recommend this wonderful lady enough' xx Sharon Mc Dermott.

Techniques to Show the Kids
'I am a very positive, driven and focused person and am blessed in life with good things. However, in the very fast paced life we live in now trying to balance family, home and work had its challenges Wealth Minds has given me the tools to deal more appropriately with situations that pop up! I have learned how to say no and put value on what I do. I approach problems differently and even use the techniques to show the kids how easy it can be when faced with a problem to find the solution. I would have also lived from a place of fear in particular fear that something could happen my family. I love being free to evolve and grow with my family and to be living from a place of love.' Siobhan Rivas May

You Learn Tools to Help Yourself
'I was intrigued by how my mind worked and why I made the decisions I did and why I behaved like I did. Wealthy Minds gives you the tools to help yourself. If you get a little stuck Moira and all the people on the programme will guide you in the right direction. The biggest learning for me has been understand that everyone has their own unique model of the world and even though I can see things from their point of view I can walk away if I still don’t agree and hold my power. It helps in all aspects of my life. It has been a game changer.' Suzanne Holmes.

I Was Blocked Around Money
'Before Wealthy Minds I felt stuck. I wanted to work less and be at home more with my children but we needed the income and I was afraid to take any big steps. I was blocked around money and believed that finance was a struggle and an area which would always be difficult for me. Wealthy Minds was a huge eye opener for me, I had never heard about manifestation and the support is a huge element of the programme for me
I have dropped fear around finances and have manifested an easier life, turns out it doesn't have to be a struggle! The beauty of being part of this programme is that I can access it anytime and keep using it to better different areas of my life.' Yvonne Keane